Swiss cigar brand Davidoff has opened its first lounge in the U.S. by partnering with the Humidor of Westmont in Westmont, Illinois. The lounge in the premium cigar store has a state-of-the-art, “hidden in plain sight,” cigar-locker system that flanks a fireplace and a floor-to-ceiling stacked tumble marble wall, which is branded with the 'Davidoff Lounge' logo. The lounge is over 500 square feet and a 14-foot ceiling among the comfortable furnishings and lavish appointments throughout the floor plan.
"Placing our first United States-based Davidoff lounge at Humidor of Westmont aligns perfectly with the brand's standards of luxury, leisure and sophistication,” said Richard Krutick, head of marketing with Davidoff. “Our long lasting relationship with Humidor of Westmont is one that Davidoff is excited to continue with this new venture, and we look forward to bringing the Davidoff experience to cigar aficionados in the Westmont, Illinois, and Chicago surrounding areas."
Davidoff’s partnership with Humidor of Westmont marks a new chapter for the company, as it opens its first lounge in the United States. The Davidoff flagship store, in Geneva, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2011. There are 65 Davidoff flagship stores worldwide.
"Davidoff's lounge team manifested a transitional design in their approach to create a comfortable and upscale environment for our lounge members," said Sam Karam, owner of Humidor of Westmont. “The combination of classic and contemporary design keeps in-line with the sophistication of [the] global Davidoff lounges and the Davidoff brand, which we are thrilled to now offer our patrons." For more information, visit
James Rothaar
James has written content for and other leading online luxury lifestyle magazines. Rothaar previously served as the senior-tenured staff writer for JustLuxe, having worked with the digital magazine since 2005. He resides in Jacksonville, Florida, and works as an independent marketing consultant and freelance writer and copywriter. He is the co-owner of Wild Owl Digital, a boutique mar...(Read More)