
An Actively Amazing Audiophile App

Sonarworks, True-Fi

Photos Credit: Sonarworks

Ears are great. No seriously. Of the five senses, many consider pure, clean audio reception to be the most euphoric. These same people are likely to liken the journey of becoming an audiophile to that of becoming a skilled critic or expert wine-taster; it doesn’t happen overnight. Fortunately for the audiophilic equivalent of a layperson, we live in the 21st century, and there are now apps that can start you on the path of finding your ears’ true calling. Sonarworks’ True-Fi is one of these such apps, and we at JustLuxe are here to tell you about it.

Sonarworks, True-Fi

True-Fi introduces a software auto-mixer conditioned by a few simple details such as your age and the headset you’re wearing. The software then sets your audio levels to represent studio conditions, enhancing your listening experience to the same level that the pros utilize daily. This app is a result of five years worth of research, and it’s now here, designed to be accessible to any and all that wish to find their studio-level balance.

Sonarworks, True-Fi

This program is designed to work with many headset brands from Sennheiser to Samson. Simply plug in your headset’s code, adjust bass level to desire, and start listening to a whole new world. We all take our training wheels off at some point, do the same for your ears and check out True-Fi.

Brandon Driver

Coming from a background in the digital financial sector, Brandon Driver loves learning and writing about the latest in technology and science, especially as it relates to the high-end market and eco-friendly scene. He also covers events, people, places and the best news in the affluent world. With a talent for words, a double Bachelor's degree and a passion for New Media, Driver reports in from L...(Read More)