Modern-day game consoles may have reached crazy heights in terms of a virtual reality experience, but many of us long for the warmth of the original Nintendo Entertainment System. That’s where Analogue Nt comes in. "The NES has an incredibly rich history to explore,” Christopher Taber, Analogue Interactive's CEO told us recently. “I think it's the most iconic video game system of all time—a pivotal part of video game history.” His love and respect for the system led him to create his very own that is compatible with the over 2,000 NES games. It may be a niche market, but it’s certainly a passionate one.
"I want to be able to explore them all, with no emulation. With videophile and audiophile quality. I want to be able to play every game and experience every detail, easily, free of compromise. From the Famicom Disk System, to the light gun,” says Taber. “We created the Analogue Nt to experience this pivotal part of gaming history with the quality and justice it deserves."
Made from a solid block of aluminum, the Nt starts at $499 for the classic grey and is available in several different colors for an additional cost (we would definitely pay an extra $99 for the gold one). There are some add-ons available as well, like adding HDMI output and upscaling the hardware, and if you don’t have any original NES controllers or cords, you can get some beautiful refurbished ones through them.
"We produce products with the philosophy ‘buy less, but more quality,' I’d rather…buy something that’s really nice, that’s gonna last for virtually my entire life. Something to cherish forever. The Analogue Nt was developed in this light and I think the people who are interested in the Nt share a similar perspective."
There may be other consoles out there that can play NES games as well, but they’re really nothing like this one. The Nt is constructed around the original model and even uses original hardware, which is why it looks so dang cool. It’s also an RGB NES, which means that the pixel quality and clarity is incredibly good. Super Mario Bros. never looked this good!
The first production run of the Nt totally sold out, but you can pre-order the next wave right now.