September issues are, kind of a big deal. So you would think that the cover model might know they would be gracing a glossy of that or any month for that matter. But, for Jets back-up quarterback Tim Tebow, his recent cover appearance on GQ’s NFL preview issue was a complete surprise.
"Honestly, I didn't even know," Tebow said Thursday. "It kind of was a shocker for me."
So what happened? And how come readers found out the football star was on the cover before the player himself? Turns out the publication recycled old photos of Tebow with obvious religious overtones taken back in 2007 during his Heisman Trophy days at The University of Florida.
"It was something that I think I did maybe six years ago in college," Tebow said. "Honestly, the first time I heard was when we were in the cafeteria (Tuesday), and it was on ESPN. That's when I found out.”
Looks the men’s magazine is trying to compete with sales using potentially controversial shots of the quarterback who is always in the spotlight. But not notifying Tebow or his PR rep directly about being selected for the cover athlete seems even stranger than resurrecting these old photos. We can only wait and see what drama or sales this drums up for GQ.