If you are tired of last season’s brand name accessories, but can’t bear to abandon them at a thrift store where their true value will never be appreciated, then you should consider selling to Authentic Luxury Goods. Inside the store, they will be resold at the price they deserve. ALG provides the affluent San Diego community, and a world-wide span of internet customers, with gently-used designer items that are guaranteed to be authentic. The authentication process takes about two days, and if any item is found to be fake, it is promptly sent back to the owner with a $25 fee attached; so lying about your item or not having prior knowledge of its legitimacy could cost you.
Located in the trendy Gaslamp Quarter of downtown San Diego, ALG’s boutique features all of your beloved brands. So, that Tiffany necklace you've outgrown won’t be lonesomely tangled amidst beaded hemp and bronze bangles, as it would undoubtedly be at a thrift store. Rest easy in the quality that Authentic Luxury Goods promises. They vow to only sell the most exquisite designer products, like Chanel purses, Rolex watches, or even diamonds by Harry Winston all at a slightly discounted price, ensuring that whoever buys your abandoned item will cherish it as you once did.
The shop, due to its nature of buying and selling used items, often comes across vintage accessories, which are all the rage in this day of modernity. So perhaps when you drop off that Tiffany necklace, your tears of loss will fall upon the most radiant antique emerald earrings that you have ever seen. Obviously, that is a sign from the heavens, and it’s only right that you should use the money you earned by consigning the necklace to give them a happy home. The boutique is open for business Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm, and Sundays from 10 am to 6 pm.
Sally Farris
A recent English graduate from Liberty University, Sally Farris has a passion for all things beautiful. Her upbringing in a Coast Guard family has allowed her to live in some of the most popular vacation destinations in the U.S. Currently based in San Diego, she writes for Creativeedgemusic.com, and recently began working as Assistant Travel Editor at JustLuxe. ...(Read More)