Ponte VecchioThe Ponte Vecchio's status as the oldest bridge in Florence
saved it from destruction during the Nazi retreat from Italy in
1944. They defied orders to blow up the stately bridge straddling
the Arno River and bombed the ancient buildings on the either side
of it instead. The Arno Flood of 1966 also tested the bridge's
resilience, and swept parts of it away in its powerful current. The
most affected sections were the iconic overhanging shops belonging
to the gold and silversmiths. In 1593 the original tenants -
butchers, tanners and blacksmiths - were evicted from the workshops
because of the noise and stench they created. To one side of the
bridge is the majestic bust of the most famous Florentine
goldsmith, Benvenuto Cellini. Perched above the shops is a secret
passageway, the Vasari Corridor, providing an elevated link to the
Palazzo Pitti via the Uffizi. It was the private walkway of the
Medicis who could move between the various residences without
having to rub shoulders with t Address: Via Por Santa Maria/Via Guicciardini |