The Uffizi (Gallerie degli Uffizi)The Uffizi is one of the world's greatest art galleries, with a
collection of Renaissance paintings that includes the works of
Giotto, Masaccio, Paolo Ucello, Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da
Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian and Caravaggio. The collection is
housed on the top floor of a building designed as the offices (
) of the Medici, commissioned by Duke Cosimo I. From
1581, Cosimo's heirs used the upper storey to display the Medici
art treasures. Ancient Greek and Roman sculptures line the inner
corridors of the gallery and a series of rooms jut off from here,
showcasing the chronological development of Florentine art from
Gothic to High Renaissance and beyond. The scale and magnitude of
the collection may need to be enjoyed over two visits. Rooms 1-15
(Florentine Renaissance) could be explored more thoroughly on the
first trip and on the next visit one could concentrate on rooms 16
to 45 (from High Renaissance to later Italian and European
paintings). Address: Loggiato degli Uffizi 6 Website: Email: Telephone: +39 055 238 865 Opening Time: Open Tuesday to Sunday from 8.15am to 6.50pm. Closed
on Mondays, 1 January, 1 May and 25 December Admission: EUR6.50, with concessions available. Special exhibitions
cost extra |