Best Restaurants in PerthBoasting more restaurants per capita than any other Australian
city, Perth''s multi-cultural make-up lends itself to a varied
cuisine and many styles of eateries. The best place to find a
variety of restaurants is in the Perth CBD, where a selection of
funky cafes, pubs and intimate, world-class restaurants await,
ready to tantalise the taste buds. Northbridge''s cultural hub
boasts some more exotic options where everything from spicy
Moroccan fare to the gentle flavours of Mediterranean cuisine can
be found. For great seafood check out the coastal eateries between
Fremantle and Cottesloe, where fresh fish, plump prawns and
breathtaking views over the ocean will sing to all senses. Tips are
not expected in restaurants in Perth, although it is becoming more
common in expensive restaurants in the bigger cities to leave some
money for good service. |