Phnom Penh NightlifeThe nightlife is Phnom Penh has picked up in recent years, with
several good quality clubs and bars emerging to join the list of
enduring classics like The Heart of Darkness and The Foreign
Correspondents Club. The upmarket Elephant Bar at the Hotel Royal
and the Riverhouse Lounge are both stylish places to start an
evening in the city. The area around the Lake has many bars
although the majority are still of the go-go girl variety and are
rather seedy, although an interesting experience and worth checking
out at least once during a stay in the city. For live music try
Memphis Pub which has nightly gigs and Miles Jazz Café with jazz
every Friday. Equinox Bar has jam sessions on Thursdays and
Saturdays. Most of Cambodia''s artists and musicians were killed during Pol
Pots'' reign, part of a deliberate attempt to eradicate the
country''s culture and artistic traditions. That''s why it is worth
supporting institutions and events that help with the rebirth of
these areas of Khmer life. The Royal university of Fine Arts hosts
Khmer royal ballet although training and performance sessions are
irregular. The Aspara Arts Association holds classical and fold
dance sessions every Saturday at 7pm. The Souvanna Phum Theatre has
traditional puppetry shows on weekends, while Chatomuk Theatre on
Sisowath Quay hosts traditional music and dance on occasions. Although Phnom Penh is getting safer it remains a fairly
dangerous city, hence walking around at night is best avoided.
Using motorcycle taxis is a cheap and fairly safe way to get
between venues. For details of what''s hot and happening in the city get a copy
of the Friday edition of the
, the fortnightly
and the free and always interesting
, which comes out monthly. |