Brighton and Hove ShoppingMention shopping in Brighton and the first thing that springs to
mind is ''The Lanes!'' And for good reason - the Lanes have been
operational in Brighton since the 17th century and today host an
assortment of boutiques, antique shops, jewellers and book stores,
as well as a few cafés and pubs. Here visitors can find anything
from kites, tribal textiles and hand-made crafts to vintage shoes
or funky fashion accessories. On East Street, near the end of the
Lanes, top-end retailers such as Jigsaw and French Connection can
be found trading popular, brand name clothing and accessories. In
the centre of town, the Churchill Square Shopping Centre offers a
selection of more affordable, high-street outlets such as H&M.
There are also various clothing, sports and home-ware shops to
enjoy along North Street and Dyke Road. The beachfront''s Kings Road
Arches are home to a selection of shops and galleries featuring
original painting and sculptures produced by talented local
artists, and North Laine has a huge collection of record shops. For
more arts, crafts and collectables visit the Snoopers Paradise flea
market in the North Laine, or the market held at Brighton train
station each Sunday morning. |