
Interior Designer Annie Selke on the Five Fresh American Decorating Styles

Photo Credit: Annie Selke
Don’t you just wish you could look at an empty space and envision it coming alive with color, fabrics and furniture? If you are like me and have a hard time getting in touch with your inner interior designer, then be sure to check out Annie Selke’s new book, Fresh American Spaces.

Selke, founder of home-textile companies Pine Cone Hill fine linens and sleepwear, Dash & Albert Rug Company, and fabric collection Annie Selke Home, was recently in Boston to promote her book. She designs all of her products from the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts to create self-expression through home design. We caught up with her recently to discuss five Fresh American decorating styles, the easiest way to brighten up a space, and how you can determine your own personal style.

JustLuxe: How can someone create their own ideal personal living space?

Annie Selke: Take what you love and be honest about what you love. Don’t decorate for what someone else would like for fear of another person’s judgment. If you have difficulty articulating that, find images that make you happy and find out what they all have in common.

JL: How do you come up with the inspiration for your home design?

AS: Inspiration is everywhere. I can look at a plant or fabric and my mind just goes. The book tries to break down those elements into their discreet parts.

JL: What is the easiest way to brighten up a space?

AS: It depends on what color it is. A white will immediately brighten up a room. Color can instantly brighten up a room as well. I love white. There are so many different shades of it and I have seen rooms with as many as four different shades of white in them.

JL: How can someone best determine the style that is right for them?

AS: Look at images and determine what you respond to. Do you respond to some positively and others negatively? If you use that approach, you will be able to find your own personal style.

JL: Tell me about the five Fresh American decorating styles.

AS: Refined Romantic, Nuanced Neutral, Happy Preppy, Cultured Eclectic, and Everyday Exuberance. Each has a distinct lifestyle and is a part of my psyche. Happy Preppy is a very distinct point of view. Each has its place in my brain but people just gravitate toward them in their own way. I think Nuanced Neutral and Happy Preppy are the most common styles.

JL: How do you define “Fresh American?”

AS: Style is put forth in the book but it’s what we have in common, an all American look that has been distilled and put together.

JL: What do you think is the secret to your success as a designer?

AS: I consider myself a business person with a good eye. I am also unique in that I have a trained eye where my brain absorbs visuals of all kinds. I am blessed to be split between left brain and right brain so I am both creative and business oriented.

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Kellie Speed

Kellie Speed is a freelance writer with more than 20 years' experience writing for a variety of publications, including US Veterans magazine, DiverseAbility and BestReviews. She also contributed to Moon Metro's Boston guidebook published by Avalon Travel Publishing and can be reached at ...(Read More)

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