Alright, this latest fashion news sparked some serious debate among the JustLuxe team this morning. Cara Delevingne has just been revealed as the new brand ambassador for Tag Heuer—and we’re not really sure why. Yes, she’s probably the best way to access an untapped market of millennials, but it just seems like a really odd pairing, no? During the announcement this morning at Men’s Paris Fashion Week—because, of course—Cara posed onstage with a lion cub (the mom refused to come out from backstage), inspired by the campaign’s new slogan #DontCrackUnderPressure. So far two campaign images have been revealed—one with the British model in a rough-around-the-edges, selfie-style shot, the other shows her posing on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013. Both feature the new hashtag slogan.

“We needed someone disruptive yet elegant like Cara to open our minds to the brashness and boldness of today’s youth,” Jean-Claude Biver, CEO of Tag Heuer told WWD. “Tag Heuer has set its sights on ‘It-ness,’ and Cara is just the person to help us get there.” It-ness, huh? Well it’s one thing to appoint an it-girl as the face of your new campaign and another entirely to assume that that alone will rebrand a company for a younger audience. But this is just the first big move for Biver, who was appointed the CEO position just last month.
It looks like he’s hoping Cara can disrupt the women’s market for the brand, which currently only makes up about 35 percent of the company’s sales. “In the medium term, we would like to approach half and half,” he explained. And this little stunt with Cara (let’s just call it what it is) is expected to last three to five years in hopes of bringing that number up. We love Cara Delevingne, but we can’t imagine that this campaign will convince her social media followers, or any fashionable millennial for that matter, to suddenly run out and buy a Tag Heuer watch. But then again, only time will tell.