
Explore the Benefits of Functional Aesthetic Medicine with Dr. Vera Singleton

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There is no denying that traditional medicine has its definitive place within society. But when answers elude even the most accomplished conventional physicians, Dr. Vera Singleton steps in. Trained as a board certified, primary care naturopathic doctor, Dr. Singleton is a health and peri-menopause expert, helping women to increase their bodies’ functionalities from the inside out. She utilizes a variety of modalities, including homeopathics, PRP and PRF, herbs, pharmaceuticals, diet and more. In her San Francisco/Bay Area practice, she also offers functional aesthetics, an innovative approach to reverse effects of skin damage due to acne scarring, discoloration, UV damage, and aging. But just as with her functional medicine practice, you won’t find common “cures” such as Botox and fillers, what she calls “band-aid” fixes. Instead, she looks at the whole patient: nutrition, sleep habits, stressors, etc. to get to root issues.

“The reason our combo model of functional naturopathic and aesthetic medicine works so well is that we take a holistic approach to the body,” says Dr. Singleton. “Every patient is unique, and what works for some may not work for everyone. Treatment should be adjusted accordingly.”

Dr. Singleton’s specialties include digestion support, acne support, hormone balancing, hair restoration, PRP/PRF treatments, non-surgical plasma facelifts, and body contouring. Her approach is that of empathy, understanding, and support. She provides her patients with long-term, fully customized plans. 

Dr. Vera Singleton consults with a patient in her Lafayette, CA office

JustLuxe: Who is your typical client/patient? 

Dr. Singleton: Our clients, both male/female 40+, often experience body changes due to factors like aging, childbirth, or the aftermath of pursuing high-stress careers. Hormonal decline is very common in these cases.  

JustLuxe: Can you provide greater detail about how you treat varied issues? 

Dr. Singleton: Many of our clients already have a PCP or have worked with specialists, and haven’t been able to solve their issue. We work to find the root cause of the problem. Whether hormone, digestion, or skin concerns, we offer non-traditional FDA approved testing to clarify what’s happening. With acne, for instance, many don't realize skin issues begin with the health of the digestive tract. So it's necessary to treat the gut-skin flora. Some clients are more prone to developing dryness and wrinkles and this is impacted by diet 100%. Skin, as we age, is more dependent on the quality of your internal environment and of course what you put on topically must change as well. 

JustLuxe: Can you tell us a bit more about your background? How did you develop your expertise? 

Dr. Singleton: I am a board-certified, naturopathic doctor trained at Southwest Naturopathic in Arizona with extensive training in functional medicine and aesthetics, and more than 12 years of experience. I've collaborated with the national non-profit organization Ecopolitan offering free skin cancer screenings. I also run a non-profit and serve on the CBNM for Naturopathic Doctors in California. What sets my functional aesthetics practice apart is the ability to diagnose and treat multiple unrelated concerns into a cohesive health strategy. Each of my clients walks away with a plan of action for long-term holistic living.  Rather than consulting with separate specialists for hormone, IBS, or skin issues, my clients benefit from my holistic understanding of how the body works vs. treating symptoms one-by-one. 

Dr. Vera Singleton

JustLuxe: Your care typically entails that a patient participate in a longer term program rather than a one time office visit. Why is that?

Dr. Singleton: Programs can feel overwhelming, and you may think you don’t have time or the investment is too large. But long-term success is a top priority for me. For that reason, I treat each of our patients holistically, meaning, there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution to your problem. We’re not going to send you off with a temporary band-aid fix or cause another health issue by treating one. Programs allow for us to work on multiple issues simultaneously, allowing for faster results. With a program, we customize solutions that can be modified over time. Patients have long-term accountability and support to overcome unhealthy habits. This requires a full commitment on both our parts, and most importantly, it ensures that I can more quickly provide you with the results you’ve been seeking.

JustLuxe: Can you describe how a program works?

Dr. Singleton: Our core Ultimate Health Makeover programs are 6 or 12 months and designed to get you faster results that last. We also help you mitigate chaos in your life by providing real-life solutions to avoid sliding back into old patterns. We begin with a two part initial consultation to discuss your detailed medical history, define health goals, get clear on diagnostics and develop a plan of action. We plan monthly virtual or in-person office visits to keep you on track, see how your body is responding, and modify when needed. If you have complex health concerns, we'll modify your plan, so as you evolve and improve, so does your plan. I provide individualized coaching sessions based on your unique needs, and prioritize email support between visits so that you’re never on your own.

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JustLuxe: Your approach goes beyond the clinical. You develop relationships with your patients, and are as much mentor/counselor/coach as you are clinician. Do you believe this deeper connection is critical to the diagnosis and healing processes?

Dr. Singleton: I give my clients my all because I love what I do. Every patient I meet is on a journey toward healing and I get it. Before I became a doc, I worked incredibly long hours, had a high-profile job, a beautiful home, and an envious lifestyle. But I was ignoring and neglecting my body’s signs. I pushed through pain and discomfort, and then I crashed. I stopped feeling like myself. But, when I sought help from a professional, everything shifted, and because of that, I know anything is possible when you find the right person to help you to the next level. My programs work because I walk my talk. When you choose to work with me, expect empathy and understanding that you are on a journey, and at times, it’s messy.

JustLuxe: You recently added med spa aesthetic services to your practice, as requested by your patients, but you’re not providing what many other med spas offer, such as Botox, fillers, etc. Why is that?

Dr. Singleton:  Our services are designed to rebuild, protect, and reverse the impacts of hormonal changes and UV damage, promoting longer-lasting, firmer, and healthier skin. For those hesitant about Botox and fillers or seeking a more natural approach, we offer 100% natural, yet high-tech treatments including: PRP/PRF for hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation with your own stem cells, Natur-tox for non-invasive, non-surgical wrinkle removal for eyelid lifts/facelifts, and body contouring for weight management using a combination of laser and muscle re-education, among other treatments. Our services cater to all Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1-6, ensuring safety for those with sensitive or hyperpigmented skin.

JustLuxe: Your practice is a busy one. Are you currently accepting new patients? If so, how and where should those interested contact you? 

Dr. Singleton: Absolutely, we'd love to help those who are willing to take the plunge and try something different. Many of my clients carry insurance, yet elect to work with us and pay out-of-pocket because they want a second opinion on healing their bodies naturally. You can always book directly online 24/7 on our website or by calling 510-230-2282.  

Fran Endicott Miller

Fran Endicott Miller is a luxury focused freelance feature and travel writer. Prior to her journalism career she held positions in the fields of politics, television, and professional sports, and is proud to have established the Golden State Warriors’ first community relations department and programs. Principled and genuine, she is known for thoughtful and thorough coverage, and for the quality ...(Read More)

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