Since an early age, I’ve always had a keen interest in fashion. When I went to university to study Illustration this passion was even more heightened because fashion was part of the same facility. I also was a huge film buff and even wrote my dissertation on Cary Grant and his contribution to light comedy. This iconic movie star was the epitome of style and finesse. Apart from his amazing acting skills he was also tailored to perfection. This left an indelible impression on me and sparked my fascination with Haute couture. Subsequently, my taste in clothing became more adventurous and that was the catalyst for establishing my own exclusive leather jacket brand called ‘Morley Rose’. The name (jacket label) was derived from one of my large oil paintings. Essentially the subject was a ‘David Austin’ rose that was growing in the garden of a former home in Morley, Leeds England.

Over the years I’ve collected leather brands from many prestigious Italian designers. Therefore I’ve been able to appreciate the quality first hand. Geographically speaking Italy is synonymous with exquisite leather goods. When launching Morley Rose I envisioned a futuristic aesthetic unlike anything on the market. Ultimately, that’s why I wanted to incorporate metallic foils into my designs. The inspiration for the project was Science fiction films like ‘Blade Runner and ‘Total Recall’. Rather than use conventional models to showcase my garments I opted for chrome androgynous avatars. This I felt would add a whole different dynamic.

For nearly a decade I worked in the print industry and became aware of all the technological advances. Numerous brands have experimented with screen printing to create patterns or monograms. However, none had really utilised high-resolution digital printing. This was an area I really wanted to explore because it opened up numerous possibilities. Primarily I wanted my own 3D holographic artwork to form an integral part of the jacket design. Initially, I needed to check that the ink would actually bond to the leather. Therefore, I created a series of digital paintings and tested them on different animal skins (cow, lamb, sheep). Fortunately, the results were very positive so the next stage was to find a manufacturer.

Last year (2023) I visited a large leather trade show in Milan called Lineapelle. It was there I connected with an exclusive Tuscan-based manufacturer. Their expertise is extensive and they have capabilities to source leather, produce patterns, high-resolution digital print, laser cut etc. Based on the first two jackets (finest Nappa) they’ve produced the quality is exceptional. So far I have three collections called the ‘Sonic Biker’, Metallic Rodeo and Mecanique D’Art’ I’ve also created concept jacket designs inspired by Ariana Grande, David Beckham, and Lego. Additionally there are two collaborations with renowned tattoo artists. Moving forward I hope to sell bespoke pieces in prestigious boutiques worldwide.

‘Morley Rose’ is featured in my 8th book entitled ‘The Art of Luxury Design’. For more information follow this link: