Other than the fact that her hair was recently flame red during a perfume and fashion line showing, Snooki's hair styles have seemed to evolve toward a more mature look. Looking back at her previous and hideous renditions, it'll probably be hard for most of the population to take her seriously but, somehow, she still has quite a huge following who will purchase her perfume and fashions. Sigh.
It's hard to believe that since Snooki was a regular person like you and me less than three years ago. Since then, she's turned into a multi-millionaire through her infamous run on Jersey Shore and making appearances across the country. But through the peak of an economic recession, Snooki has almost single-handedly kept the salon industry alive through getting a new cut and color seemingly every week.
From streaks to full-on dye jobs, to bangs and poofs, Snooki's hair has been just as entertaining as her on-screen antics. In honor of her 25th birthday today, check out the 18 stages of Snooki's hair evolution! Read More and view photos