
Fun Outfits to Wear to Mardi Gras


If you’re trying to decide when you should schedule a trip to New Orleans, do yourself a favor and schedule it during Mardi Gras. This event takes place every year in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It’s a massive celebration that originally signaled the beginning of Lent for the Catholics, but today, this festival is celebrated by people from all walks of life. It’s New Orleans’ biggest party of the year!

The best part about Mardi Gras is the spirit of freedom and expression that is so unique to this festival. Here are some ideas for how you can create a festival costume perfect for Mardi Gras.

Make It Sparkle

Sequins and holographic materials are perfect for Mardi Gras outfits, especially if you can find them in purple, gold, or green. These colors have long been part of the Mardi Gras tradition, so they are always safe outfit and accessory choices. A gold sequin tailcoat or a green sequin blazer will fit in beautifully with both the color and spirit of Mardi Gras fashion.

Flashy but Classy

Mardi Gras isn’t just a party where people are trying to outdo each other with the most out-there   fashion. There are plenty of luxury events and formal balls you can attend, especially in the evenings. If your last formal event was your high school prom, a Mardi Gras ball can be an especially unique and fun experience. 

If you’re attending one of the more formal events, your daytime Mardi Gras attire isn’t going to be appropriate. Instead, look for a formalwear gown that is made of sequins, holographic material, or something just as colorful and sparkly. 

Your Shoes Matter

For Mardi Gras, you’re going to need at least two pairs of shoes. During the day, you want comfortable shoes you can wear as you walk around the French Quarter. Plenty of local businesses are doing something special for the festival, so you’ll want to visit as many as possible. Be prepared for a lot of walking.

Those walking shoes obviously won’t be suitable for the formal events. That’s where you’re going to need a nice pair of heels or other suitable formal footwear. Try to find something appropriate that you can still wear comfortably because you’ll still have a lot of walking the next day.

Grab a Mask

No, we don’t mean those masks that many of us would prefer never to see outside of a doctor’s office ever again. These masks are covered in vivid paint colors, feathers, and plenty of sparkles.

Masks are an important part of Mardi Gras. Some choose to wear them only if they attend a masquerade party during the festival, but there are just as many people who like to wear one throughout the celebration.


Wear the Beads

Just like the purple, gold, and green color scheme, beads are another long-standing Mardi Gras tradition. While you could technically bring your own beads, it’s much more fun to collect them each year during the festival. Attend a parade and you’re sure to walk away with plenty of your own. 

Once you start collecting beads, go ahead and wear them! It’s just one more way to get involved in the traditions and spirit of the festival. You’ll also fit right in. Everyone will be wearing their own beads, adding more and more to their outfit as they collect more strands.

How Much Is Too Much?

In normal life, it is usually pretty easy to know when your outfit or makeup isn’t in line with the dress code. Most of us aren’t wearing a gold sequin blazer and pants to work! But when it comes to Mardi Gras, such a bold outfit choice is perfect.

Mardi Gras is an opportunity to shrug your shoulders at social norms and throw yourself into a new style you have always wanted to try but haven’t, especially if you are afraid of other people judging you. 

At Mardi Gras, people are more likely to stare if you show up in simple jeans and a plain t-shirt.  Going out of your way to stand out will actually make you blend in. It’s a fun way to try something new. If you’re feeling a little shy about it, just put on a mask. No one will ever know it was you.


Express Yourself

When you’re planning fun outfits for Mardi Gras, try to think of it as a fun, colorful, and quirky dress-up experience. Go ahead and attach those rhinestones to your cheek. Try the glitter eyeshadows. Wear the holographic pants. Embrace your individuality and take this unique opportunity to express yourself with colors and fashion styles that you might not be willing to try in your everyday life. This is one time when people are more likely to look at you strangely if you dress in normal clothes than if you wear the craziest outfit you can imagine.

Tess DiNapoli

Tess DiNapoli is an artist, freelance writer, and content strategist. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about health and wellness, but also enjoys covering the fashion industry and world of fitness. ...(Read More)