
A Revolutionary Approach for Business Women to Achieve Greater Fulfillment in Life and Business

Gina Maier Vincent, the visionary thought leader and founder of Exquisitely Aligned

In a world where businesswomen often chase external markers of success, and then once reached many find themselves unfulfilled and unsure of what should come next. Gina Maier Vincent, the visionary thought leader and founder of Exquisitely Aligned, is transforming how high-achieving women define success by helping them discover their "More"—a deeper, more personal fulfillment that aligns with their inner desires and purpose. Vincent believes that when women understand and pursue their "More," they not only find greater balance and joy in their lives but also bring their most authentic and powerful selves to their work, resulting in massive success.

Gina Maier Vincent has spent over two decades guiding high-achieving entrepreneurs through the process of aligning their divine resources of time, money, and energy with their true purpose. Through her Exquisitely Aligned Concierge Experience, she works one-on-one with clients to help them define their deepest desires and create lives that feel meaningful and fulfilling.

“So many businesswomen reach a point where they’ve checked all the boxes—successful careers, financial stability—but something is still missing,” says empowerment entrepreneur Gina Maier Vincent. “What’s missing is their ‘More’, their unique dreams, passions, and experiences that make life truly fulfilling. When you discover and pursue your 'More', you’re not only honoring your truth, but you’re also empowering yourself to live a life that feels genuinely aligned with who you are.”

Vincent offers the following ways to discover your "More”:

Reflect on What You’ve Given Up for Success

Consider the parts of your life you may have sacrificed while pursuing career success. What dreams or desires did you leave behind? What did you give up that you used to find joy in? These sacrifices can reveal what your heart still longs for. 

Identify Your Unfulfilled Dreams

What are the dreams or goals that you haven’t yet achieved but still feel called to? Whether it’s traveling to a new destination, building a meaningful relationship, or starting a new project, let your “More” be the things that excite you from the inside out.

Move Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth

Rather than separating work and life into two distinct categories, seek a more integrated approach where your career, relationships, health, and passions coexist in harmony. True fulfillment comes when every area of life is aligned with your personal values.

Use Envy as a Guide

Envy can be a signpost for your own desires. Instead of feeling guilty about it, ask yourself what the person you’re envious of has that you want for yourself. This can reveal desires you’ve suppressed or ignored.

Give Yourself Permission to Dream Big

Don’t minimize or judge your dreams, and do start to daydream again! Your “More” can be as big or small as you desire. The key is recognizing what truly matters to you and taking the first step. Let your imagination fly when you daydream of a better life; write down what you think about. When you fully embrace and partner with your “more,” you stop chasing short-term indulgences. Instead, you start leaning into your unique gifts, perspectives, and values. You start living on purpose rather than by accident. 

Focus on Overlooked Areas of Your Life

Your "More" may lie in areas you’ve overlooked—like love, health, personal growth, or creativity. Ask yourself where you feel a desire for expansion and explore how you can bring more attention to that part of your life.

Trust Your Unique Path

Your "More" won’t look the same as anyone else’s, and that’s a good thing. By honoring your desires and taking aligned actions, you bring the greatest version of yourself into the world. When you partner with your “more,” you claim the freedom to shape your future in a new, more deliberate way. 

“An exquisitely aligned life is a life where your heart-centered desires are prioritized and realized,” adds Vincent.

Vincent’s approach helps business women find their highest and most authentic selves, resulting in a more successful business and personal life. In her upcoming book, Exquisitely Aligned: A Pocket Guide to Design Your Magnificent Future she helps women move beyond traditional definitions of success, leading them toward lives that are deeply fulfilling and authentically aligned with who they are. Whether it's finding balance, reigniting passions, or discovering entirely new dreams, Gina Maier Vincent empowers women to pursue their "More" with confidence and clarity. Meet Gina Maier Vincent of Exquisitely Aligned:

Follow @ExquisitelyAligned on Instagram or visit to design the future you desire and deserve.

Cher Murphy

Cher Murphy, owner of Cher Murphy PR, brings with her a wealth of experience in covering a variety of interesting fields. As an expert in public relations, she works with clients in some of the most popular sectors, including health and wellness, education, restaurants, travel, and entertainment. With a nose for news and a gift of professional presentation, she is able to deliver high quality, ent...(Read More)

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