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Skating in Honolulu? Strap A Helmet On

Posted: May. 29th, 2013  |  By Michael Pearse
Honolulu Skatepark
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A tragic accident in Honolulu has turned the tide in the public's benign neglect of skateboarders and their dangerous but exhilarating sport, and a new law will see to it that the adventurous teens who take the the sport keep their craniums covered with a helmet. It might not look cool, but it'll keep the city's kids safe.

Honolulu’s skateparks may soon get a helmet law.

City Councilman Joey Manahan recently introduced a bill that will make it illegal for anyone not wearing an “approved helmet” to skateboard in a city skatepark.

Approved helmets are those that meet or exceed the bicycle helmet standards of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission or the Snell Memorial Foundation.

Manahan told Civil Beat that the proposed law is partially in response to the recent death of Kaiser High School student Reid Krucky, who died in April after a skateboarding accident.


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