EPA Though it's been decades since the darn thing “fell,” it may come as a surprise to some that Berlin's infamous wall still stands and local residents plan to keep it that way. Despite its historical “destruction,” parts of the wall have remained in place as a historical reminder and monument to the strife, triumph, and reunification of the nation. All of this is now under threat by the greatest evil of capitalism: housing developments, and local residents are prepared to fight.
Residents of Berlin are up in arms at new plans to demolish part of the city's famous wall in order to build luxury flats.
The proposal to obliterate a key monument from Germany's history and replace it with accommodation to the super-rich has met with widespread outrage.
However, the mayor of the district where the demolition is planned insists that it is necessary to connect the east and west sides of Berlin better. Read More on dailymail.co.uk