Where the Party's At: So it's Sunday, and you haven't had your fill of the Gaslamp District in Downtown San Diego. This town is full of things to do every day of the week, but on Sundays, it can seem like everyone is sleeping in - that is until you enter Float, the Hard Rock Hotel's aptly-named rooftop lounge and pool area.
Float is simultaneously one of the coolest and hottest places to hang out in San Diego. On Sundays, Float transforms into Intervention. Reminscent of Rehab over at the Las Vegas Hard Rock, Intervention is the place to be before the weekend comes to a close. The bar opens at 11am, and the party goes until sunset.
All day long celebrity DJ's crank out the best music, the bartenders serve up great cocktails, and to quote the venue itself, you can indulge in "scores and scores of eye-candy of every kind."
This party fills up fast, so it's best to reserve bottle service and stake out an cabana with your crew. With only a few precious weeks left of summer, make it a priority to join the rest of San Diego at Intervention.
For JustLuxe Courtney Driver

Courtney Driver
Courtney Driver combines her passion for luxury with her love for writing as the Executive Editor for JustLuxe. An authority on the luxury lifestyle, Driver's travel experience has come to encompass visits to some of the most lavish properties in the world, exclusive transportation methods such as helicopter and private jet, as well as exotic locales like Africa, Asia and the South Pacific. Having...(Read More)