Jeff Koons, the American artist known for his mirrored sculptures of ordinary objects like balloon animals and Lady Gaga's ARTPOP record cover, is the poster boy for consumerist art. Whether you think his work is pioneering or self-merchandising, there's no doubting his success—last year one of his balloon dogs sold for $58.4 million at a Christie's auction—so you may want to check out one of his shows so you can judge for yourself. If you're in Paris, you're in luck, because on Wednesday the Pompidou Centre opened a retrospective of Koons' work.
Running through April, the show features some pretty famous pieces, like his statue of Michael Jackson with his pet monkey Bubbles, as well as the silver inflatable rabbit that got him recognition back in the 1970s. Considering Koons (who looks more like a CEO nowadays then an artist) has remarked that his art doesn't necessarily mean anything, you can just enjoy the work without worrying whether you understand some deeper purpose. Though, if you have kids with you, they won't be able to join you in the adults-only parts of the exhibition which showcases some of his more controversial pieces.
Next spring the show will move to the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain.
Mila Pantovich
An avid traveler, Mila Pantovich lives in the UK with her husband and cat. She has been working with JustLuxe as a writer and editor since 2012 and has been featured in several publications. Follow her travels on Instagram: @MilaPantovich ...(Read More)