The museum's other pieces are bound to be recognized by anyone who has gazed at the stained-glass windows of a Catholic Church before, as the originals of paintings like The Ecstasy of St. Margaret of Cortona and the Communion of the Apostles are on display here.
Museo Diocesano
The Diocesan Museum is a historical and ecclesiastical icon of the Milanese region, not just for their collection of art related to Roman Catholicism, but also for the striking architecture. Among the main attractions here is a 2nd-century sarcophagus depicting the battle of Dionysus in marble.The museum's other pieces are bound to be recognized by anyone who has gazed at the stained-glass windows of a Catholic Church before, as the originals of paintings like The Ecstasy of St. Margaret of Cortona and the Communion of the Apostles are on display here.