City Guides: If you want to change your appearance, you want it done right that goes without saying. Unfortunately, too many patients wind up having revision surgery, after countless hours of hand-wringing and researching a better surgeon. With any luck, they find themselves in the office of Dr. Anthony Weikel. Dr. Weikel frequently performs revision plastic surgery procedures on patients who are dissatisfied with the results from their original cosmetic surgeon.
Dr. Weikel, who has been profiled in Wellesley Weston Magazine The TAB New England Cable News is the "go-to" cosmetic surgeon in Boston, who is highly skilled at all aspects of plastic surgery, particularly when it comes to faces.
Dr. Weikel, the Surgical Director of Boston Cosmetic Center in Newton specializes in performing hundreds of cosmetic-surgery procedures who are unhappy with their plastic surgery from other doctors. (A decorated Vietnam War veteran and Harvard Medical School graduate, Dr. Weikel is skilled at correcting overlifted breast implants, asymmetrical breast augmentations and problem facelifts.) While he does his fair share of liposuction, breast implants, what fascinates Dr. Weikel the most is the face and everything that makes up the face. He has performed countless nose jobs, eyelid surgeries, cheek implants, face lifts, brow lifts, Botox injections and more, to give his patients more aesthetically pleasing faces, and more vibrant visages. "It's an artistic endeavor," says Dr. Weikel. "It requires technical skill and a good eye."
Forward-thinking techniques to halt the aging process. Dr. Weikel coined the term "horizontal aging" to describe the loss of tissue that typically results in hollowed-out cheeks and increased visibility of the underlying facial skeleton. (Most people, and doctors, by comparison, deal only the vertical aging that's caused by gravity-induced sagging.) "You need to pull back and plump out," Dr. Weikel explains. Dr. Weikel achieves better results with his facelifts by combining the procedure with fat injections, to bulk up the lost tissue in the skin, to combat horizontal aging.
He explains it this way. "As we age, two things happen. First, our cell membranes are less able to hold water. Secondly, they also shrink. These two factors give your face a tired appearance, with hollowed-out cheeks, with some visibility of the skeleton below. The result is that you look old, and in some some cases, haggard," he says. "However, today's use of fat injections are why Hollywood stars, and most plastic-surgery patients, now look much better than they used to. Using fat injections is comparable to filling up a balloon. Adding fat returns fullness and softness to the face. By comparison, patients who have had several facelifts, without fat injections, actually look worse- because they have lost a lot of fat in their repeated surgeries."
In some cases, Dr. Weikel has even convinced his patients to postpone their facelift, and still achieve a good result. He simply adds more volume to their visage with a fat injection, or a silastic prosthetic (silicone).
Boston Cosmetic Center can also assuage aging with injections of Botox, and fillers such as Perlane, so you can achieve complexion perfection.
Debbi & William D. Kickham, Esq.
Debbi K. Kickham is a professional travel journalist and veteran member of the Society of American Travel Writers, She is also former Editor of Robb Report Magazine ' 'The Millionaire's Magazine,' Debbi is also former Contributing Editor to Bridal Guide Magazine, for the Travel Section. She recenty wrote her third book, a diet/beauty travel book, entitled The Gl...(Read More)