Bukit Timah Nature ReserveSingapore and Rio de Janeiro are the world's only two cities to
contain primary rainforest within their boundaries. Bukit Timah is
located seven miles (12km) from Singapore's centre. It is a
164-hectare (405-acre) reserve preserving a variety of tree and
animal species including flying lemurs, long-tailed macaque monkeys
and anteaters. Designated walking and cycle trails undulate through
the dense jungle and its highest point is marked by Bukit Timah at
538ft (164m). Website: www.nparks.gov.sg Telephone: 6468 5736 Transportation: SBS bus 170, or TIBs 67, 75, 171, 173, 184, 852 and
961 Opening Time: Daily 8.30am to 6.30pm Admission: Free |