Taliesin WestTaliesin West was legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright's
winter home and school from 1937 until he died in 1959, aged 91.
Today the facility can be visited as the Frank Lloyd Wright
Foundation with tours providing a general introduction to Wright
and his hugely influential theories of architecture. The building
is built of natural stone, a reflection of Wright's philosophy that
local materials should be used design wherever possible. There are
a range of tours available to suit your level of interest: for the
rookie, a basic introductory tour is recommended, while devotees
will want the behind-the-scenes exposé. Address: 12621 Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd Website: www.franklloydwright.org Telephone: (480) 860-2700 Opening Time: Daily 9am-4pm. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and
Easter. Admission: Tours start at $24 adults, $10 children. |