Cigar FactoriesEven non-smokers have to agree that a visit to Cuba would not be
complete without investigating the island's most famous export,
cigars. The art of cigar-making in Cuba is old and traditional, and
three main factories in Havana offer tours for visitors to see
cigars still rolled by hand. In the oldest factory, Partagas,
founded in 1827, traditionally a reader is employed to keep workers
entertained while they fashion the famous cigars. Havana's other
cigar factories are La Corona and the lesser-visited Romeo y
Julieta. There are shops attached to the factories where cigars can
be purchased. Visitors are advised not to buy cigars from people
off the street, as these are usually rolled banana leaves fashioned
into cigar look-alikes and the sellers are persistent hustlers. Address: Partagas Factory: Calle Industria 520, Centro
Habana Telephone: Partagas: (0)7 Opening Time: Partagas Factory tours operate Monday to Friday, from
9am to 2pm Admission: CUC$10 |