Copenhagen Art GalleriesCopenhagen is a city with a proud heritage of art and design,
well showcased in numerous museums and galleries as well as
architecture. Among the most renowned collections are those housed
in the popular Museum of Decorative Arts (traces the history of
Danish design), the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (featuring world
famous artists), the National Gallery (more than 8,000 works dating
from the 13th century to modern times) and the Ny Carlsberg
Glyptotek (antiquities, French impressionists and contemporary
Danish art). Address: Museum of Decorative Arts: Bredgade 68. Louisiana Museu Telephone: Museum of Decor Opening Time: Museum of Decorative Arts: Tuesday to Sunday 11am to
5pm. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art: Daily 10am to 5pm, until 10pm
on Wednesdays. National Gallery: Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 5pm,
until 8pm on Wednesdays. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek: Tuesday to Sunday
10am Admission: Museum of Decorative Arts: kr 50 (adults). Louisiana
Museum of Modern art: kr 80 (adults), under 18s free. National
Gallery: Free admission, charge for special exhibits. Ny Carlsberg
Glyptotek: kr 50 (adults), under 18s free. Concessions
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