Almudena Cathedral
The Almudena Cathedral is a Madrid landmark, which took more than 100 years to complete. Shortly after King Philips II declared Madrid the capital of Spain in 1561, he decided that the city needed a grand cathedral.[Learn more]

The Almudena Cathedral is a Madrid landmark, which took more than 100 years to complete. Shortly after King Philips II declared Madrid the capital of Spain in 1561, he decided that the city needed a grand cathedral.[Learn more]
This enormous, modern and contemporary science museum is located near the suburb of Alcobendas, just a short bus ride from Plaza Castilla. Take the time to discover the interactive exhibits which cover history, science, and nature's laws.[Learn more]
The Goya Museum houses the remains of renowned Spanish artist Francisco de Goya. Goya was commissioned to decorate the once chapel and completed a series of mesmerizing frescoes in just 120 days...[Learn more]
Bullfighting is to Spain what baseball is to America, and Las Ventas is their Doubleday Field. The Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas is the most famous bullring in all of Spain, and has been since it was built it 1931.[Learn more]
The Lázaro Galdiano Museum opened its doors to the public in 1951, and houses the art collection of José Lázaro Galdiano.[Learn more]
When the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía opened its doors in 1990, it stood as one of the greatest and most modern art galleries in the world.[Learn more]
The National Museum of Decorative Arts was created by royal decree of 1912, as the National Museum of Industrial Arts. The first collection, comprising about one thousand five hundred objects, was located in six rooms in an apartment at Sacramento Stre...[Learn more]
Opened in November 1819, the Museo Nacional del Prado now has more than 2,300 paintings in its collection. In addition to an impressive number or painted masterpieces, the museum's collection also includes a large number of other works of art.[Learn more]
The Museo Sorolla was created at the wish of the widow of Sorolla, Clotilde García del Castillo, who in 1925 donated all her assets to Spain to found a museum in memory of her husband.[Learn more]
The history and origins of the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection tell one of the most fascinating tales of private collecting.[Learn more]
The Palacio Real, or Royal Palace, is no doubt the largest palace in all of Europe. Located just to the east of Madrid's historic center and within walking distance of the Plaza de España, the palace features more than 200 rooms.[Learn more]
El Museo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, currently features over 1,400 paintings, 600 sculptures and 15,000 drawings, plus an excellent collection of decorative arts.[Learn more]