
Meet the 10-Year-Old Blogger Who Wants to Teach You All About Luxury Cars

kid car blogger, skys cars

Photos Courtesy of Skys Cars

Usually when a self-professed auto expert appears on our radar, they're at least in their late 40s, but not this kid. Meet Sky Rota, a 10-year-old luxury car enthusiast who may just know more about your Bugatti Veyron than you do—and he can't even legally drive it. Cherry Hill, New Jersey-based Sky has his own exotic car blog called Skys Cars and a YouTube channel, reporting on his favorite models "SkyStyle." Not only is Sky pretty adorable, he advocates for dyslexia awareness and is probably going to end up as CEO of one of his favorite marquees—or a famous movie star—so you better keep an eye on him.

Just Luxe: How did you first discover your love for luxury cars?

Sky Rota: When I was about six years old I was crazy about my dad's little black two-seater car in our garage. I always wanted to play in it and make the top go up and down and I would constantly ask him to start it up so I could hear the roar of the engine. I would beg him to take me for rides in it.  My dad ordered a special car seat for it so I would be safe from the airbags when I rode with him. I finally discovered that my dad's little black car was a Mercedes SL65 AMG, which is one of the fastest exotic luxury cars ever made. I always had good taste.

JL: Which is your favorite and why? Have you had the chance to check one out in person? If so, tell us about it.

SR: I don't really have a favorite. I have visited so many exotic cars, they all seem to impress me in a different way. I have a great interest in seeing some concept cars from Lamborghini and Ferrari and I'm planning on visiting Pagani ASAP.


JL: How have you been learning more and more about luxury cars? Who have you spoken to? Who has taught you the most?

SR: I am constantly learning, I research cars on the internet day and night. I watch YouTube videos of exotic car reviews. I also research every car magazine; my dad subscribes me to all of them. I search the Internet for car dealerships and check out their inventory to decide if I will visit for my blog and YouTube channel.

I speak to the car dealers like Frank Kerbeck from FC Kerbeck, he is my hero. His was the first exotic car dealership I ever visited, I was eight years old. I spotted him as soon as I arrived; I introduced myself to him and gave him my card. He was impressed with me and got a kick out of me, [and] within a half hour we were chatting like old pals in the back seat of his magnificent white Rolls Royce Ghost while my Mom drove us around. Then he took me for a ride in his own Bentley Convertible Super Sport. That was the best day of my life.

I learn something from every car dealer I meet. I learned about McLarens when I visited Dimmitt Automotive in Tampa Bay, Florida. My friend Brett David from Prestige Imports in Miami, Florida talked to me about Lamborghinis. While visiting H.R. Owen in London I learned about the Bugatti Veyron Vitesse "Lang Lang" from the top Bugatti lady Anita Krizan—it was inspired by the concert pianist Lang Lang's piano keyboard.

kid car blogger, skys cars

JL: What is your dream auto event to attend?

SR: I really want to go to Macau in 2016 for the opening of the Louis XIII casino to see their new fleet of 30 custom Red Rolls Royce Phantoms. I would love doing that video visit for my YouTube channel. Hopefully Stephen Hung will invite me as his guest.

JL: What do your friends think about your hobby?

SR: My friends are all about 10-years-old, most are not even allowed to use the Internet independently yet. The ones who have been allowed to Google me think my blog is cool. I don't consider my blog and YouTube channel a hobby, they are my passion: I eat, sleep and live with my iPad in my hand consistently researching cars.  I know the complete inventory of many dealerships I follow—probably better than the sales teams.

kid car blogger, skys cars

JL: What are your plans for a career when you are older?

SR: I plan on being a movie star. I will also have my own multi-trillion dollar company. I am very perceptive. I pay close attention to things people need and I invent things to make their life easier.

JL: Do you have anything else you would like to tell JustLuxe readers?

SR: I am a believer in doing what you love, because if you love it you are probably good at it and therefore it will come easier for you. I haven't had the best time in my school life. I always struggled at reading and spelling—well pretty much every subject at school except for recess and PE [physical education]. I found out last year that I have dyslexia. Being diagnosed actually made me feel better, because I used to feel like the dumb one in school. Now I know I am not dumb, I just learn differently than the way most schools teach. I try hard every day to focus on my strengths, the things I can do and what I'm good at, and don't think about the things I can't do. I go to a school for kids with learning differences. I want to help all children embrace their differences and feel proud about being different.

Like I always say, who wants to be the same as everybody anyway?

kid car blogger, skys carskid car blogger, skys carskid car blogger, skys cars

Mila Pantovich

An avid traveler, Mila Pantovich lives in the UK with her husband and cat. She has been working with JustLuxe as a writer and editor since 2012 and has been featured in several publications. Follow her travels on Instagram: @MilaPantovich ...(Read More)