
The New Way to Take Apple Cider Vinegar

Goli, Apple Cider Vinegar, Gummies, ACV

Photos Credit: Brandon Driver

People have been consuming apple cider vinegar (ACV) as a health potion for decades. It’s great for your immune and digestive systems as well as energy and epidermal health, even if it doesn’t taste so great. When I was younger, my family used to wake up early and take ACV shots together, and they’d bond through the distaste and the efforts of healthiness. The future is a great place to be, and Goli Nutrition’s efforts to improve the ACV experience has culminated in their new ACV Gummies.

Goli, Gummies

Rarely do we take health-related supplements that taste like candy and aren't chock-full of sugar, but Goli Nutrition has outdone themselves here. Only 1g of sugar in each gummy, their trick is mixing in other beneficial fruit juices like pomegranate with the ACV. It's difficult to not eat more than the recommended portion. If you speak health and nutrition, then you'll understand the importance of "the mother" in ACV, which Goli has incorporated into their gummies for maximum health benefits.

The health benefits are there, the texture of these bites is satisfying, and the flavor is phenomenal. Many of the comments on Goli Nutrition's social media posts are raving positive reviews, and we understand why now. Do yourself a favor and pick up a bottle of these up pronto.

Brandon Driver

Coming from a background in the digital financial sector, Brandon Driver loves learning and writing about the latest in technology and science, especially as it relates to the high-end market and eco-friendly scene. He also covers events, people, places and the best news in the affluent world. With a talent for words, a double Bachelor's degree and a passion for New Media, Driver reports in from L...(Read More)