
You Need This Cute Pillow of Mass Sleepstruction

Casper, Nap Pillow, Pillow

Photos Credit: Casper

We all need a nap sometimes, and taking a pillow with us to the office, or on the plane, or around town is really not a socially acceptable practice. The Casper Nap Pillow combines a luxurious, double-layered pillow with the concept of a travel-sized head cushion. It comes with its own pillow case and drawstring bag, and is washable. If cuteness was produceable, I believe it would be listed in the materials used for this nap pillow. It draws from the explorative innovation used in Casper's flagship products to bring a high quality resting experience while minimizing its size.

To fully comprehend the value of the Casper Nap Pillow, we must also explore its older brother, the Casper Pillow ( An innovative duplicitous pillow, with a soft outer pillow full of longer, silkier fibers, and firm, supportive inner pillow with short, coated fibers, this full-sized head cushion will extravagantly escort you to dreamland. The gusset (the backbone of the exterior seams) runs firmly around the outside of the pillow, two inches wide for optimal neck support. The cotton outer layer has a breathable percale weave, built to keep it cool, just how it should be.

I’ve personally added the Casper Pillow to the collection on my bed, and I constantly find myself reaching for it first at night. Don’t sleep on it too long, check out Casper's pillows.

Brandon Driver

Coming from a background in the digital financial sector, Brandon Driver loves learning and writing about the latest in technology and science, especially as it relates to the high-end market and eco-friendly scene. He also covers events, people, places and the best news in the affluent world. With a talent for words, a double Bachelor's degree and a passion for New Media, Driver reports in from L...(Read More)