
TOTO's Luxe Bathroom Lineup

Dating back through history, evidence of the luxury of hygiene can be found throughout the story of humankind. No doubt, being clean is a fine feeling, but we at JustLuxe look to find the ways that extravagance and technology combine in modern developments to bring you to newer heights. Today, sustainability is a vocabulary word in many of our modern efforts as we look to reduce waste, but remain posh. TOTO’s latest technology achieves exactly that in their latest bathroom products as on display at CES 2020.

Brandon Driver

Coming from a background in the digital financial sector, Brandon Driver loves learning and writing about the latest in technology and science, especially as it relates to the high-end market and eco-friendly scene. He also covers events, people, places and the best news in the affluent world. With a talent for words, a double Bachelor's degree and a passion for New Media, Driver reports in from L...(Read More)