
Casper's Glow is the Bedroom Lighting Tech Upgrade You Need

Casper Glow, Bedroom, Lighting, Light, Tech

Photos Credit: Casper

Luxury lighting Option? Check. Portable? Check. Wireless charging? Check. Smart home app integration? Double check. Casper’s Glow is too perfectly fitting in the realm of innovation for JustLuxe to pass up the opportunity to play with and cover them here. The Casper Glow is a wireless lamp pod, built with dimmable lights inside, synced with an app on your smartphone. It turns on or off by flipping it upside down, and the brightness adjusts from the app or by twisting the unit, which activates the built-in gyroscope. You can bring it with you anywhere, just return it to the wireless charging stand when you’re done. One of the chief design intentions of this product is to provide a soothing, dimming light when you’re getting ready for bed, then to slowly, gently grow brighter at the time you set it to wake you up.

Casper Glow, Bedroom, Lighting, Light, Tech

Glow comes with a few other nifty features, such as bluetooth synchronization between multiple Glow units, and a nightlight feature. Shake the unit after picking it up in your hand to provide a dull glow from Glow, perfect for obtaining a late-night snack without waking anyone. And while we don’t recommend dropping it, this handy portable lamp has a sturdy polycarbonate shell: strong yet light, with a matte feel to the finish. Sleep is important, almost as important as getting a lamp that doesn’t look like a lamp, something you can show off to your friends next time they visit. Do your sleep schedule and ego both a favor and check out the Casper Glow.

Brandon Driver

Coming from a background in the digital financial sector, Brandon Driver loves learning and writing about the latest in technology and science, especially as it relates to the high-end market and eco-friendly scene. He also covers events, people, places and the best news in the affluent world. With a talent for words, a double Bachelor's degree and a passion for New Media, Driver reports in from L...(Read More)