
Is It Killing You to Sit All Day? The Smart Kinetic Desk May Save Your Life

Stir Kinetic Desk M1

Photos Credit: Stir

It's no secret that sitting for eight hours a day is a pretty bad idea (it's now being called the new smoking!), which makes desk jobs all the more problematic. With that in mind, the new standing Stir Kinetic Desk M1 was designed to make work easier and healthier, all with the touch of a finger. With an adjustable height of up to 50.5 inches, the smart desk allows you to work while standing if you want and features an organic curved shape that takes wrist circulation into account with its rounded edges. The M1 features built-in cable outlets along the back of the desk, which makes it really easy to plug all of your gadgets in, and a five-inch touchscreen that can "learn" your preferences. 

Stir Kinetic Desk M1

Able to recognize gestures, the touchscreen allows you to sign in (great for shared desks) and will keep track of your settings and habits. You can use it to set a daily standing goal, check the time, see how long you've been sitting or standing, and explore your history. It is also able to sync with your Fitbit, so you can even track how many calories you're burning by standing. Sure, the number won't be that high, but it will certainly make you feel better about your new purchase. 

Stir Kinetic Desk M1

If you've been sitting for too long, the M1 will let you know by a feature called Whisperbreath (which isn't as creepy as it sounds), a subtle one-inch rise and fall to get your attention. Once you've used it for long enough, it will learn the times of day you usually need to stand and be ready. We love that the alert comes in the form of slight movement, because being in an office is already full of noises and intrusions, no one needs a desk that adds to that.  

The Kinetic Desk M1 costs $2,990, which includes shipping. 

Stir Kinetic Desk M1Stir Kinetic Desk M1Stir Kinetic Desk M1

Mila Pantovich

An avid traveler, Mila Pantovich lives in the UK with her husband and cat. She has been working with JustLuxe as a writer and editor since 2012 and has been featured in several publications. Follow her travels on Instagram: @MilaPantovich ...(Read More)

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