No matter how humble you are, it always feels amazing to get noticed for doing something awesome, especially if it happened when you were surfing the waves or shredding down a snowy mountain on a snowboard. But it can be hard to relay just how great of a run you had when you don't have the data to prove it, which is where Trace: The Action Sports Tracker comes in handy. By attaching to whatever you're riding and keeping track of speed, distance, turns, vertical, airs, and calories burned, Trace helps you be a better athlete by showing you what you can do and by helping you push yourself a little farther. Plus, it syncs up with all those Bluetooth-enabled gadgets you already have (like GoPro, iPhone, and Android) in order to take high-quality videos you can share later. The company has also designed accompanying apps, Trace Snow and Trace Surf, which allow you to compare stats with your friends and anyone in the Trace community.