
Napa Valley is Open!

Kenefick Ranch Vineyard. Photo, Fran Miller

Visit Napa Valley is pleased to announce that the Napa County Public Health Officer has officially approved that Napa Valley hotels, wineries, tasting rooms, and bars are allowed to reopen to welcome guests, while adhering to state guidelines and proper health and safety protocols. Napa Valley restaurants began to reopen for indoor and/or outdoor dining on May 20, 2020, along with retails shops.   

“We are elated to welcome back visitors to Napa Valley who will experience the world-class hospitality they have always enjoyed, with the added assurance that all businesses, including hotels, wineries, as well as restaurants and retail businesses are committed to practice the highest safety standards, above and beyond the mandated requirements, in order to protect the health and welfare of guests, employees and our community,” said Linsey Gallagher, president and CEO for Visit Napa Valley. “Visit Napa Valley and the entire Napa Valley travel and tourism industry is extremely grateful for the exceptional leadership, guidance, and support of California State Senator Bill Dodd and Napa County Board of Supervisors Diane Dillon and Alfredo Pedroza to prioritize the reopening of Napa County businesses to help restore Napa Valley’s economy.” 

Las Alcobas, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Napa Valley. Photo, Fran Miller
Brannan Cottage Inn, Calistoga. Photo, Fran Miller

According to Visit Napa Valley’s biannual visitor profile study, the region’s natural scenic beauty is second only to wine as to what appeals most to visitors. Napa Valley’s 35-mile stretch offers endless opportunities to adventure outside and experience the beauty of the landscape and the year-round temperate climate. 

From lavish five-star luxury resorts, private bungalows and cottages, to intimate B&B's, the Napa Valley offers a wide variety of world-class and affordable lodging for retreating ‘away from home’ with friends and family, or on your own for a solo getaway, surrounded by vast outdoor space allowing for natural social distancing. 

Many Napa Valley wineries and restaurants provide spacious outdoor patio and courtyard seating to allow appropriate distance among parties, and most wineries also offer private rooms for more intimate tastings. All tastings will be by appointment only to ensure time between tastings for a comprehensive cleaning of all high-touch surfaces.

Round Pond Estate Winery. Photo, Fran Miller

Visitors will find ‘Napa Valley Spirit’ pennants and window graphics displayed at newly opened businesses to celebrate relaxed shelter-in-place restrictions. Visit Napa Valley and the Napa Valley Vintners have also collaborated to welcome back visitors, as well as the Napa Valley local community, with fun messaging, including You are the people we’ve been waiting for, come rediscover the Napa Valley Spirit and ‘6 ft apart has never felt closer together.’  

Cliff Lede Vineyards Visitor Patio. Photo, Fran Miller

For hotel reservations and a complete list of all open businesses, reference visit Napa Valley’s website, which also features suggested itineraries to enjoy and explore each Napa Valley town, including American Canyon, the City of Napa, Yountville, St. Helena, and Calistoga. 

Social distancing, indoor mask use, limited occupancies, and other health protocols are required by the Napa County Public Health Officer. It is important to make and/or confirm reservations directly, as individual businesses will open on their own schedule. 

Fran Endicott Miller

Fran Endicott Miller is a luxury focused freelance feature and travel writer. Prior to her journalism career she held positions in the fields of politics, television, and professional sports, and is proud to have established the Golden State Warriors’ first community relations department and programs. Principled and genuine, she is known for thoughtful and thorough coverage, and for the quality ...(Read More)