The newest addition to the La Prairie line is Cellular Power Infusion, a one-of-a-kind product containing La Prairie's "Intensive Cellular Power Complex," a milestone in skincare research that actually reclaims lost youth and beauty by tapping into skin's homeostasis, ensuring that it doesn't age. Cellular Power Infusion is a leading scientific breakthrough in cellular communication, impacting every aspect of the skin's process to dramatically slow the progression of aging.
Dr. Sven Gohla, Vice President of Research and Development for La Prairie explains, "The breakthrough with Cellular Power Infusion centers around the development of a tri-fold approach, to simultaneously treat the three key factors of aging - loss of energy, handicapped functionality of skin cells and weakened quality of the skin tissue - at the same pace."

The Tissue Guidance Matrix in Cellular Power Infusion's solution supports the rebuilding of skin tissue, which declines with age and stresses on the skin. Other key ingredients include Panthenol, Glycerol and Sodium Hyaluronate to moisturize, Grape Seed Extract to protect against stress and reduce redness, Carica Papaya Fruit Extract to soften skin and Lepidium SatiVum Extract to prevent DNA damage.

After mixing with the serum, wait for it to settle into a lilac tone before applying to the face, neck and décolleté and then let it dry before carrying on with the rest of your skincare regimen. Use the treatment two times a day, for one full cycle (between 28-40 days, depending on the needs of your skin); then once every three months, depending on stress levels and travel.
Four vials of Cellular Power Infusion carry you through one cycle, making four cycles per year. But after just one month plus of daily usage, your skin will look brighter and fresher. As the Cellular Power targets the three factors of aging - energy level, cell level, tissue level - your skin will begin to revitalize from the inside out.
Along with the arrival of summer also comes wedding season. Cellular Power is a great way to energize your skin for the big day - whether you are a guest at the event or walking down the aisle - making it an essential must-have for summer skincare.