Two days ago Donatella Versace started her personal Instagram account and debuted her first photo—a selfie with model-of-the-moment Gigi Hadid. While at first it seemed the two were just gal-palling around, it looks like they we’re actually on the set of the Italian brand’s latest campaign. Today Versace released the first images for the new Spring/Summer 2016 campaign starring It-girl Hadid, Raquel Zimmerman and Natasha Poly. "This is the Versace woman today, an individual who is proud of her own character," Donatella said in a statement. "I love Gigi, Raquel and Natasha and everything they stand for."
Lensed by Steven Klein, the images were shot at the California salt flats with creative direction from Donatella. The girls, surrounded by hunky models like Lukasz Grabowski, wore coordinated outfits from the Spring line with matching makeup and hair. Posing in drifts of salt, the models stood in miniskirts, bell-bottomed pants, bandeau tops, bikinis and dresses in navy blue leathers and leopard-print cameo. We can’t say we’re tempted to sport bell-bottoms any time soon (even if Gigi is totally pulling them off), but come spring we will be in the market for one of those bright green mini backpacks and a shirtless male model.