
Found in the Louvre: Art & Food Mixed Deliciously

Food & Spirits: Cravings for new food for thought takes us to the release of a tasty book that combines two of our readers’ favorite things: food and art. Found in the Louvre, by Chef Yves Pinard, serves up eye-fetching artwork while offering, on the side, a corollary showing how recipes were inspired by art. The foreword on this culturally savory book is by Chef Paul Bocuse, a renowned Michelin-starred culinary artist.

Classic renderings, such as Delacroix’s Still Life with Lobsters, are paired with scrumptious recipes that encompass a wide variety of gastronomic feasts. Pinard. Pheasant under glass and lobster thermidor are the recipes coupled with Delacroix.

A shout out for today’s entrée in food culture goes to national food-culture daily, Tasting Table. The culinary experts reach out to foodies and gourmands with national and regional updates.

Dessert: The WSJ, Fox Business, the N.Y. Times, and also have tapped into Tasting Table for food culture. Check, please.

James Rothaar

James has written content for and other leading online luxury lifestyle magazines. Rothaar previously served as the senior-tenured staff writer for JustLuxe, having worked with the digital magazine since 2005. He resides in Jacksonville, Florida, and works as an independent marketing consultant and freelance writer and copywriter. He is the co-owner of Wild Owl Digital, a boutique mar...(Read More)