Fashion changes with time. You cannot expect to dress exactly like the people from the past and expect to fall into the list of world's most stylist persons. You can however try added some elements from the past onto a modern outfit to come out with a beautiful combination -get a boater hat and combine it with a modern dress to see if th combination will have a 'wow factor' on them.
Shirtwaist is a type of clothing originally used in mid 20th century. It is a dress whose upper part looks like the shirt of a man and has its front lined with buttons moving downwards. It also has a turnover collar. The dress can be related to the '50s iconic housewives who always wore it as a work blouse as they went about doing their chores.
All women like being noticed and appreciated as they walk around, performing their daily duties. Fashion is all about putting different designs together to bring out an acceptable modern look. There are several ways that this dress can be worn by today's divas without making them look like they are from the '90s.
It is true that old is gold; don't throw out an old item as there is a high possibility that you are going to need it in future. Perhaps this is what has motivated the modern women to adopt vintage styles by including them into their wardrobes. The following are some of the ways in which a shirtwaist can be worn with modern cloths:
You can choose a pale dress and wear it with a cardigan that has a bright poping color, perhaps green. Add a leopard print skinny belt on the waist. The belt will help bring out the body's shape in a more classy way. This is a simple way of modernizing the past. The main reason why we put the dress together with a cardigan is because its convertible color nicely folds onto the cardigan, bringing out visible division between the cardigan and skin. Carrying along a hand bag will bring in more compliment. Instead of the cardigan, you can try on a blazer, knitted top, or a sweater.
Boater style hats also compliment this type of a dress. Boater hats which also worn in the past can still go together with this dress. You can use the hat during summer seasons to not only offer protection from the scorching sun but also look classy.
Another way of modernizing this dress is by wearing a slightly longer skirt on top of it. Tie a belt at the waist to reinforce the two pieces. The belt also act as a bridge between these pieces. Matching these together will ensure that some pouf is added without necessarily putting wearing a petticoat.
You can always bring a modern element into a vintage cloth if you use the right type of cloth to compliment it. It is therefore advisable that you acquire some fashion skills to prevent you from attracting a fashion police by the 'I thought this was fashion' disbelief.