Here comes the awful back pain again. You try icing, heating, resting, stretching, praying, and finally give up and take some more pain killers. You probably know that they only cover up the symptoms and will do squat to really cure the cause of your back pain. You don’t want surgery – It’s a last resort option and you are not there yet.
Is there a natural pain relieving option that can cure the root cause of your back pain at the same time?
I thought it was ridiculous the first time I heard about it. Inversion table for back pain? Just hanging upside down can immediately stop my excruciating back pain? No way. It must be a joke.
But more and more success stories, positive experiences and people I know swearing by it – Convinced me to buy an inversion table for my long-time suffering dad.
He experienced an instant pain relief the first time he used it. Amazed by not having to take pain killers again, he started using it every day.
He was so pleased with it, that he actually wrote a thank-you letter to the manufacturers.
This was all the evidence I needed to really digging into this miraculous treatment. This post is the result of this digging. And this is what I have found:
What Conditions Can Inversion Therapy be Helpful For?
Bulging, herniated, slipped and ruptured discs in lower back, Sciatica, pinched nerve in lower back, spinal stenosis, pulled and strained muscles, muscle spasms and more non back related conditions (such as migraines).
How Exactly Do Inversion Tables Work?
Simply put, an inversion table takes the load off your back – For you. It’s the only way to take the weight off your spine.
It’s actually is a gentle, passive way to target pain at the source and care for all weight-bearing joints. Hanging upside down at a certain angle (I’ll get to that soon) is an ideal stretch which has these benefits:
- Immediate Pain relief by Relieving Pressure – According to research, inverting at a 60 degree angle increases the space between the vertebrae. This “space increasing will STOP YOUR PAIN. If you suffer from a bulging or herniated disc, the pain you feel is caused by a pressure on the nerves around the discs. If you relieve the pressure, the pain stops. It’s a simple as that.
- Helping the body heal itself naturally – This is achieved by the rehydrating of the discs: When you give your discs this “break” from gravity, it allows for the moisture to be absorbed into the soft tissue of the discs, allowing for nutrients to absorb better and thus promoting the natural healing of a bulging, slipped, herniated, ruptured or any kind of “troubled “disc in your spine. But you won’t achieve that in one session, give it a few weeks and maybe you could cancel your back surgery. Many people have.
- Realigning of the spine – The decompression of the spine allows the spine misalignments to “fall” back into place.
- Relaxing tensed muscles – When you invert, the muscles are gently stretched, circulation increases and the tensed muscles finally get the real rest they need to heal.
In short, inversion table brings an instant pain relief (no more dangerous pain killers), but also helps your body heal itself naturally (Goodbye surgery).
Why Can’t I Just Hang Upside Down From a Tree or Something?
That’s a good question, right? It appears that hanging by your arms from a tree or a swing in your back yard will not do the trick. It requires engaged muscles and the weight of the legs are much less than that of the torso. This means the traction is not enough to reduce the pressure to zero.
How Exactly Do I Use an Inversion Table?
I highly recommend knowing what you are doing before you do it and just like with any other exercise, you have to start slowly and gradually. Start with a very low degree, something like a 20 or 30 degree angle for a few weeks. When you are done, get back up slowly when you’re done.
I would not use an inversion table without a diagnosis of the root cause of your back pain and also it’s wise to consult with your doctor before you do inversion therapy, to be on the safe side.
According to the Teeter Hang Ups Manual, beginners should start with only 1-2 minutes per session and advance only as they feel comfortable. You could feel soreness at the beginning, just like with “normal” stretches that you do. Just reduce the angle or the duration and move more gradually with the exercises.
How to Choose an Inversion Table for Back Pain?
Inversion tables can be divided into two basic categories: Manual (controlled by your own body weight and gravity) and automatic units (which have a remote control that allows you to invert at the push of the button).
Most tables can be set at any angle through a specified range, while others will only rest at pre-set angles, such as 20, 30 and 60 degrees.
You should choose a table that fits your body: Compare the weight limits on each table to choose one within your weight range.
According to the Healthy Back Institute’s Inversion Table Guide, most tables cost between $200 and $600. If you are looking for quality, look for tables in the $300 to $350 range. The Healthy Back institute is the only one that offers a risk Free Trial for their table, but the most popular inversion tables by far are the Teeter Hang Ups .
Who Should Consult With Their Doctor Before Trying Inversion Therapy?
If you suffer from any of these conditions, you should check with your doctor before trying an inversion table: Middle ear infection, Conjunctivitis, Recent stroke or transient ischemic attack, Extreme obesity, High blood pressure , Bone weakness (osteoporosis) ,Pregnancy, Hypertension, Recent or unhealed fractures, Hiatal hernia , Heart or circulatory disorders, Medullary pins, Ventral hernia, Spinal injury , Surgically implanted orthopedic supports, Glaucoma, Cerebral sclerosis, Use of anticoagulants (including high doses of aspirin), Retinal detachment, Acutely swollen joints.