They always say what's old is new again, everything comes back in style. These comments certainly ring true, in today's fashion world. In this new decade we are seeing everyone from designers, fashionistas, and individuals around the globe creating their own looks with inspiration from past decades.Certainly there are still apparent seasonal trends, with colours or prints. However, the majority are taking the aspects they like from an era in terms of fit and style and creating a mixed decade ensemble.
There are many nineties era fashion themes emerging, and while some jumped right on board, others prefer perhaps a seventies look, complete with flared jeans, orange colours, and floral prints. This new way of style and design today, is making for fashion an interesting decade. One can pair a nineties style basic black shift dress like this Dolce and Gabbana seen below: WIth a heel like this Yves Saint Laurent, reminiscent of the fifties styles, and it creates a look that is unique and fresh, as a result of it’s combination.
The influence of films and television also plays a role in designers and consumers pursuing styles from previous decades. When films based in the twenties and sixties showcase styles of those eras, consumers often take an interest and wish to recreate these looks. The same can be said of TV series, shows such as Mad Men based in the fifties have brought back styles that may have been forgotten. These influences combined with our modern day designs and tendencies towards certain types of clothing are all part of what is making such an interesting collaboration of eras, amongst shoppers and fashion followers today. The Cavalli dress below is an example, often in sixties based films the women are wearing these styles, yet with modern day shoes and accessories, one can make an outfit that doesn’t look old, but inventive.
With designer fashions there is always new inventive looks emerging. However, one can always find some resemblances of decades past and it’s a nice sentiment. The styles created from decades gone by, will always live on into our future eras.