Today, millions of high achievers around the globe will pause and ask themselves, "Is this really all there is in life?" For decades, people followed society's checklist: college, career, car, house, vacations, partner, and kids. Yet, despite "having it all," a crucial piece feels missing. These individuals silence their true desires out of fear of judgment. Without acknowledging these desires, they risk growing unhappy, dissatisfied, and frustrated as time passes, often feeling alone, misunderstood, or empty. The good news is there is a solution. By honoring one’s truth and powerfully aligning with their heartfelt desires, they can define their "more," and their most magnificent life becomes inevitable.
“We are not here merely to survive and have our basic needs met,” states empowerment entrepreneur Gina Maier Vincent, founder of Exquisitely Aligned. “We are here to thrive, be in awe of life and live authentically.”
As high achievers spend decades focusing on what society has identified as “success,” they move further away from what truly matters and what brings them satisfaction, significance, and joy. Vincent’s forthcoming book, Exquisitely Aligned: A Pocket Guide to Design Your Most Magnificent Future, focuses on helping people identify issues and experience transformation. Society trains us to believe that the answers are on the outside and that if we collect the career, car, house, partner, and kids, the person will feel fulfilled. However fulfillment comes from the inside, at a deeper level.
Master motivator Vincent offers the following suggestions to find your “more:”
Reevaluate how to align and manage the divine resources: time, money, and energy. Most people suffer from an imbalance in at least one area. Work to find your truth.
Define your "more." Then, align spending and investing your time, money, and energy with this truth. By doing so, you invite your most magnificent future to fruition.
Design the future you deserve. Be courageous and let your mind drift to a place where you can realize your most magnificent future. Start by giving yourself permission to think even bigger and open yourself up to life’s beauty, elegance, and luxury.
Vincent's Exquisitely Aligned program offers a personalized, soul-shifting concierge experience that aligns high achievers' time, money, and energy with their true purpose. She helps people tap into their authentic internal blueprint and shows them how to take immediate action to change and evolve. To learn more about her program, or schedule a free consultation with master motivator Gina Maier Vincent, visit the website: