With the NYC Marathon quickly approaching, most runners are in full-on training mode. There are a few things though that both beginners and athletes need to keep in mind when picking the right shoes for a marathon. Wearing the right shoes can make your run fun and enjoyable and wearing the wrong ones can completely destroy it. The shoes should be lightweight and supportive to minimize impact as well as the potential for blisters and sores. Hoka One One Stinson ATR 4 are the perfect running shoes for long distances for a few reasons.
They’re perfect for long, hard runs on any kind of trails and roads you choose to explore because of the perfect grip and the extra cushioning. That means you can go harder and longer, which gives you the perfect premise to not only finish the marathon, but to also make good time. ATR stands for all terrain, giving the perfect adherence and full-ground contact rubber outsole, regardless of the weather. We all know November in NY can mean any type of weather—from 65 degrees and sunny to 40 degrees and rainy, therefore you have to be prepared for anything. It features a wider flare in the forefoot and toe making them extremely comfortable. The shoes are also super light. Weighing only 9.6 oz, Hoka One One Stinson ATR 4 are light and durable for anything life throws at you. Each shoe provides maximum cushion for a pillow-soft feel, making it feel like you’re literally running on clouds. The oversized midsole has two times the volume of a standard running shoe to deliver excellent shock absorption and an inherently stable ride. It also allows your foot to react to the surface beneath it while providing enough midsole to protect it from the surface debris.

Be sure to take the shoes out for a test run. If you’re buying new shoes for the race, make sure you take them out for at least one long test run. It’s better to break in the shoes beforehand even if you’re using the super comfy and cushiony Hoka One One Stinson ATR 4. Make sure you try out the shoes on a trail or road run, not the treadmill. Running on the treadmill has a different impact than road running, which means it’s difficult to get a good idea of the feel of the shoes just by testing them out of the treadmill. Make the test run about half as long as the upcoming race. For an upcoming marathon, your test run should be at least 10 miles. Also make sure to wear supportive socks. Our favorites are Smartwool Women's PhD® Outdoor Light Mini Socks because they combine support, stretch, and recovery in a women's-specific design and fit.