Blogger Just Me aghan over at has a great collection of photos that show us high-fashion photos can be attained just by hiring a local photographer and heading out to an interesting, seasonal locale. Even more impressive is that the clothes look like a collection that could have easily come straight from her closet, offering inspiration to those who think they don't have the time or income to be a fashionista; they just need to mix-and-match their clothes in more interesting and contrasting ways than they normally do.
Happy Halloween! This little "pumpkin patch" is located on King Street in Saint Augustine. The First United Methodist Church sells these pumpkins to benefit their youth and children's programs. This year 3,000 pumpkins were delivered for them to sell! I'm hoping they still have a couple left after work today that I can go pick up. I carved my pumpkin way too soon and now have 2 moldy messes that need to be thrown out. Luckily I do have some glittery skulls and the like decorating our entry way. Read More