There’s been a shift in this country when it comes to beef. Many people are seeking out grass-fed beef, because of all the benefits that it provides over grain-fed varieties. Grass-fed beef is popping up on store shelves, as well as in restaurants. While it’s not widely available, restaurants such as Thunder Burger, located in Georgetown, have been serving it up to their customers, taking pride in the higher quality beef that their burgers are made of.
“You haven’t enjoyed a great tasting burger until you have had a grass-fed beef burger,” explains Ryan Fichter, Executive Chef of Thunder Burger and Bodega Spanish Tapas & Lounge. “There’s simply no comparison and once people try it they always want that standard. It’s a better burger all the way around.”
Here are 5 reasons to choose grass-fed beef burgers over grain fed:
1. Taste. Grass-fed beef produces a better tasting burger. Many people point out that a grass-fed beef burger is the way a burger is supposed to taste. With the industrialized changes in the beef industry that has taken place, getting back to an all-natural burger goes back to burger-eating origins.
2. Health. If you want to eat a burger and still be healthier, opting for grass-fed beef is the way to go. Grass-fed beef produces a healthier meat, including being higher in three times higher in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, and around 10 times higher in beta carotene.
3. Cleaner. Many people are becoming conscious of the chemicals and additives that are going into their food. Clean eating means trying to steer clear of these additives and just stick to the all-natural food source. Grass-fed beef is a cleaner option that focuses on beef created from a natural, more nutritious route.
4. Environment. Grass-fed beef is better for the planet, because it produces less waste and helps create a healthier ecosystem. Plus, when cows graze, as nature intended, they provide natural weed control and help to cycle nutrients in the soil. The grass they feed on grows naturally, whereas vast amounts of resources are used in raising grain to be fed to grain-fed cows.
5. Humane. Cows that are grass-fed typically get to live a more natural and enjoyable life. From eating what nature intended them to eat, to having the opportunity to roam in the fresh outdoor air, grass-fed beef comes from happier cows overall.
“There are just so many benefits to eating grass-fed beef,” added Fichter. “It really makes you wonder why you would ever not want grass-fed beef. Our signature burgers start with grass-fed beef and always will. It’s just an all-natural option that once people try they tend to continue to seek out.”
At Thunder Burger, they also only use Kobe beef, which is raised more humanely, and their beef is freshly ground daily. These are just some of the steps they take to create a better tasting signature burger.
In addition to the signature grass-fed beef burgers, Thunder Burger serves up a wide variety of options, including four different kinds of sliders, and a variety of wild game. In addition to serving 15 different burger options, their menu features such dishes as salads, appetizers, sandwiches, steak, fish and chips, crab cakes, ribs, salmon, and more. Thunder Burger is located at 3056 M. St., NW in Washington D.C. Their hours are Monday through Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., Friday from11:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m., Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 a.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Along with daily dining, they also offer private event hosting and gift cards. Information and reservations can be obtained online at
Chef Ryan Fichter, Executive Chef of Thunder Burger In Georgetown