Roughly half of all children will see their parents divorce. Many of them end up spending less time with their father as a result. With family courts skewed toward the mother, it leaves fathers unsure how to still be a force in their child’s life. Yet the research shows their presence is crucial when it comes to raising healthy, happy, well-adjusted people. The good news is that there things that divorced dads can do in order to still be a powerful force in the life of their growing children.
“Mothers and fathers give different, but equally important things to their children,” explains Dads’ Resource Center Executive Director Jeff Steiner. “Children need both parents fully involved in their upbringing to have the best chance of being successful in life. Even more so in separating families, parents need to focus on their core responsibilities to their children.”
Dads’ Resource Center provides support and information to help divorced fathers navigate their way through the uncharted waters of co-parenting. They suggest four commitments that every divorced dad should make in the new year:
Make the children the primary focus. Through actions and words, the safety, health, and well-being of the child must always come first. By making that the focus, you will avoid petty fighting just for the sake of power or to get back at the other parent.
Respectfully co-parent with the child’s mother. Focusing on being positive and respectful sends a powerful message to the children about how to treat others. It also helps to ensure that one parent isn’t trying to turn the children against the other one.
Make sure the child’s basic needs are being met. The overall welfare and safety of your children must be a top priority, including to ensure that their needs are being met financially, medically, educationally, and developmentally.
To be the best possible father. This means being active in and participating in their life, being a great role model, loving them, and spending quality time with them.
“There is overwhelming evidence, backed by thousands of years of anecdotal evidence and numerous studies over recent decades,” said Dads’ Resource Center founder Dr. Joel N. Myers “that clearly show children develop much better when both of their parents are actively involved in their lives, and truly demonstrate their care, and concern for their offspring.”
Dads’ Resource Center was started by Dr. Myers, a father of eight and the founder and CEO of AccuWeather. The mission is to help combat the issues associated with children growing up without their fathers in the home.At its heart, the center is a child advocacy organization that aims to ensure that each child has the appropriate involvement and contributions from both parents.
Dads’ Resource Center has been established to benefit children of separated or divorced parents by advocating the importance of fathers having adequate opportunities to fulfill their role of fatherhood. The group helps get information regarding the issues out to the public and works with fathers to help make improvements. To get more information, visit the site at: