
Have You Heard About the Bentley Giveaways at the New Virgin Hotel Chicago?

Photos Courtesy of Virgin Group Ltd.

I heard that each night, adorable puppies are delivered to your room before bed along with canteens of hot cocoa at the new Virgin Hotel Chicago. It’s also been said that every 1,000th guest receives a new Bentley as personal thank you from Richard Branson himself. It’s true, I heard it with my own ears. Okay, for those of you doubting me, there’s a slight chance that I could be wrong, unless I’m not (then you’ll really look silly).

most interesting man

By now, you’ve probably heard that the English billionaire and Virgin Group founder is opening up a Chicago hotel. But what is not known is much else about the new property. One thing that is certain, however, is that Branson has taken to social media with the help of The Most Interesting Man in the World to spread some gossip of his own in order to get attention. Isn’t that just SO Branson?

Watch the video below and hear what he has to say about the Chicago hotel. Fingers crossed that the one about him tucking guests in nightly is legit. Or at the very least that the scented shampoo really does smell like Beyoncé's hair.

Do you have your own Virgin rumors to spread? You can submit them over the next few weeks by tweeting on the Virgin Hotels website with the hashtag #VirginRumors. The best one will win a two night stay at the new hotel in addition to airfare and transfers to the property’s opening party.

Nicolle Monico

Nicolle is an award-winning writer and Travel Editor using her expertise in the industry to write about luxury travel around the world. You can find her daily searching the web for the latest trends, best new hotels and most beautiful destinations to visit and share with her readers. She's been featured on The Huffington Post, Hard Assets, AMD Entertainment and Remy Martin. In 2014, she was vo...(Read More)