It’s time to make a spectacle of yourself. Again. On an island. But this time, it will be Spectacle Island to be exact. Take a quick 15-minute cruise aboard Boston’s Best Cruises departing from Long Wharf North and sail out to the beautifully preserved Spectacle Island where you will nosh on creamy clam chowder and a full-on New England clambake (complete with steamed lobster, new potatoes, mussels, clams, chorizo, corn on the cob, fresh cornbread and strawberry shortcake) all courtesy of Jasper White’s Summer Shack.
When you’re done, the only thing left to do is enjoy the amazing sunsets over Boston. If you’re feeling adventurous, take a five-mile hike around the island, go swimming or if you’re more like us, grab a seaside chair, dig your feet into the sand and kick back with a glass of wine while watching the boats sail by. Beer and wine tickets are also available so you can really make that spectacle of yourself we promised.
Tickets are $75 for the ferry and clambake or $80 (which also includes two drink tickets). Boats depart Thursdays and Fridays during the summer and reservations are required by calling (617) 770-0040. Visit

Kellie K. Speed
Kellie Speed is a freelance writer with more than 20 years' experience writing for a variety of publications, including US Veterans magazine, DiverseAbility and BestReviews. She also contributed to Moon Metro's Boston guidebook published by Avalon Travel Publishing and can be reached at ...(Read More)