
McLaren Starts Campaign to Tease the P13 From Upcoming Sports Series

McLaren, cars, blackswanmoments, p13, sports car

Photo Courtesy of McLaren Automotive

McLaren Automotive has started a new marketing campaign for their Sports Series and we're loving where this is going. The first launch film teases their upcoming automobile—given the codename P13—by focusing on a lone black feather floating through the air while a voice over tells the story of the black swan (you know, how everyone assumed all swans were white until a black one was found in Australia in 1697). You get a very brief glimpse of the car's tire at the video's five second mark, but that's it—though below is a photo of the car camouflaged.


Scheduled to premiere in the second quarter of 2015, P13 will be the launch model for the McLaren Sports Series (which will be the third model range to join the marque). "The Sports Series will challenge the accepted ‘norm,’ deviating from what has gone before it, setting new benchmarks in the process," says the company. "To reflect this, the launch campaign will plot the history of true game-changing, or ‘Black Swan,’ moments from throughout history. Over the course of the coming weeks, McLaren Automotive will be using the hashtag #BlackSwanMoments through social media to identify and uncover a range of discoveries and moments that have truly changed and challenged people’s beliefs."

McLaren, cars, blackswanmoments, p13, sports car

Mila Pantovich

An avid traveler, Mila Pantovich lives in the UK with her husband and cat. She has been working with JustLuxe as a writer and editor since 2012 and has been featured in several publications. Follow her travels on Instagram: @MilaPantovich ...(Read More)